Pastor's Monday Morning Reflection

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CBF Family Local and Abroad

It's time for our Monday Morning Reflection

There are many challenges in life, but one in particular is when you're trying to live for the Lord while being around some real evil people. They may be coworkers, teammates, neighbors, or even family. It seems like life is easier when they're not around. But, sometimes God puts those people around us so they can see the favor of God in your life, as you walk in obedience.

Psalm 23:5 tells us "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over." When you walk in obedience, especially around your enemies, God is still going to bless you, even more than you can imagine, and there's nothing they can do about it. God wants to show up and show off in the life of His children (2 Cor 16:9). And, maybe, your enemy will start to ask, who is this God you are following? How can I get to know Him? I know from experience it does happen. So, stay faithful and obedient, even around your enemies, and watch God work in you and them.

Finish strong and finish faithful
Pastor Chris

Recommended Reads
As you grow in the Lord, here are some great books, in addition to the Bible, to consider in your studies

Study Aids

Moody's Handbook on Theology (Enns)

Systematic Theology (Grudem)

Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics (Geisler)

Handbook on the Historical Books (Hamilton)

Handbook on the Pentateuch (Hamilton)

The Gospel According to Isaiah 53 (Bock, Glaser)

Father, Son, and Spirit (Kostenberger, Swain)


Additional resources to consider

Digital Liturgies (James)

You Lost Me (Kinnaman)

The Insanity of God (Ripken)

Unchristian (Kinaman & Lyons)

What every Christian should know (Adrian Rogers)